Regular consumption of fresh apricots have shown good effect in a number of kidney diseases.
Due to its composition, juicy fruit has the ability to improve the status and functions of the liver and bile. This is due to high content of alkali components that are effective means and against rheumatism and gout.
High nutritional and medicinal properties of apricots makes them perfect food for adolescents. Furthermore, apricots prevent disease changes the skin and mucous membranes.
Containing fruit iron further increased their favorable effect on the organism. They are very suitable for people suffering from anemia. The high content of potassium salts assists the elimination of water from the body and stimulating and strengthening and on cardiac activity.
Especially useful is the apricot nectar, made from fresh fruit. Valuable of the drink is that fully preserves vitamins apricots. This nectar is extremely useful for young children. Juice made from apricot fruit 4-5 meet daily needs of man by vitamin A.