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    • Activator for living and dead water with titanium electrode, BioKultura

      Activator for living and dead water with titanium electrode, BioKultura

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      With the Bio-CULTURE Activator for Living Water AV-4000 you will be able to prepare 1l in 20-30 minutes. (alkaline) and 0.5 l. acid / dead / water, which are used in the prevention of many diseases. Ph of acidic (dead) water about 3Ph and alkaline (living) about 8.5Ph.

      88.88 EUR

      Activator for living and dead water with titanium electrode, BioKultura

      What is activated water?

      Activated water obtained by electrolysis is water that acquires completely new properties and becomes an effective, environmentally friendly means of prevention of many diseases. The areas of application of activated water are constantly increasing, and people call it "living" and "dead" water. Activated water is known in various countries such as Germany, Poland, India, Israel and Bulgaria, and in Japan (which produces over 100,000 activators per year) and Uzbekistan, activated water is officially recognized and used for medicinal purposes.

      It has long been known that activated water is non-toxic and non-hazardous for both external and internal use.

      Professor Sanetaka Shirahata, of the University of Genetic Research Technologies: "I analyzed the water and found that the concentration of 'active hydrogen' in it was too high." Hydrogen usually exists as hydrogen molecules containing two hydrogen atoms (H) and often a crumbling bond between them. According to Prof. Shirahata, hydrogen very rarely exists as atomic hydrogen. Atomic hydrogen is called active hydrogen, and activated water contains several times more active hydrogen than ordinary water. What is the effect of active hydrogen on the human body? Prof. Sanetaka Shirahata: "Recently, active hydrogen has been effective in preventing and treating various diseases." The wealth of active hydrogen can be delivered artificially by electrolytic reduction of matter and is called electrolytically reduced matter. It has a great effect in the treatment of many types of diseases, says Prof. Shirahata. At Koya Hospital, Japan, they have been using electrolyte reduction as part of their treatment for more than 10 years. Drinking a few liters a day of water, reduced electrolyte, increases the healing effect. Dr. Mineori Kawamura, manager of Koya Hospital: "Drinking electrolyte-reduced water sometimes allows patients to stop taking medication after a very short period. This may be the result of an increase in the strength of the spontaneous treatment, such as an increase in the immune response. Prof. Shirahata shares that like electrolytically reduced matter, activated water contains active hydrogen, and its high concentration leads to its healing power.

      Why does active hydrogen cure diseases?

      Active hydrogen reacts with active oxygen, which is thought to cause many diseases to make water. Unlike active hydrogen, active oxygen, sometimes called poisonous oxygen / uric acid, is white. aut./, is a strong oxidant and is considered the cause of many diseases because it destroys cells by oxidation. Active oxygen is generated when cells produce energy or when we are under stress. Active oxygen * 2 is unstable because it has one electron molecule more than molecular oxygen (O2) and tends to shoot that electron at the normal cell, causing it to die. According to Prof. Shirahata, if the concentration of active hydrogen in the body is high, it reacts with the active oxygen to become water, which is no longer poisonous, but is expelled from the body / this explains the appearance of thirst when using "living" water. –White. avt /.

      Against what diseases is active hydrogen effective? Prof. Shtirakhata:

      1. Effect on allergies. Immune cells protect us from infectious diseases by attacking viruses or foreign matter by releasing active oxygen. But sometimes they pointlessly attack foreign matter, such as pollen, and release too much active oxygen, which damages normal cells. This causes an allergy. However, if there is enough active hydrogen in the body, it reacts with the active oxygen to relieve the allergy.

      2. Effect on diabetes. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder of glucose caused by a deficiency of insulin produced in the pancreas or a defect in the glucose receptor. Removal of active oxygen by active hydrogen alleviates diabetes because the cells that produce insulin and the glucose receptor are quite sensitive to active oxygen.

      3. Effect on high blood pressure. Unsaturated lipid fat cells react with active oxygen to form peroxylipidis, which attaches to blood vessels and causes arteriosclerosis. As a result, blood flow becomes weaker and blood pressure rises. By finding and reacting with active oxygen, active hydrogen prevents its reaction with unsaturated local cells.

      4. Effect on viral infections. When viruses enter the body, immune cells attack them with active oxygen to protect us from them. But if the number of viruses is too high, the immune cells continue to release active oxygen until they eventually self-destruct. Then the number of viruses increases rapidly and causes infection. Active hydrogen reacts with excess active oxygen and protects immune cells from a suicidal reaction. As a result, it alleviates infectious diseases. According to others. Paolo Carloni, Italy, it is possible that active hydrogen has an effect even against the AIDS virus. Once inside human cells, the AIDS virus secretes a protein, an enzyme that is essential for its spread. Active hydrogen tends to react with this enzyme and prevent the virus from multiplying. Thus, the number of virus cells decreases and responds well to the symptoms of the disease.

      5. Effect on cancer. A telomere, a special DNA sequence that is observed at the end of the DNA chain, becomes shorter and shorter after the separation of each cell. When the telomere is completely lost, there is no more cell division and they die after a certain period of time. But the telomere of the cancer cells recovers and their division continues. According to Prof. Shirahata, active hydrogen blocks telomere interactions and limits the life of cancer cells.

      Living water (catholyte, alkaline water) is a turbid, grayish liquid, odorless, with an alkaline taste, very soft. After the reaction, the precipitate falls to the bottom and the water becomes clear. The poorer the quality of the water, the more sediments are formed, and the radionuclides contained in the water are concentrated in the sediments. This achieves an additional effect - softening and purifying the water. Living water is an excellent tonic and stimulant. It accelerates biological processes in the body, increases blood pressure, improves digestion, speeds up metabolism, improves appetite, gives energy, vitality. It quickly heals various wounds, from scratches, skin irritations, to ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. Living water refreshes the withered flowers and then they retain their freshness for a long time. Seeds soaked in living water before being sown germinate faster, and with periodic watering with living water give a better harvest, which ripens faster. Living water is an excellent means of washing, degreasing surfaces, stimulating the growth of domestic animals. In addition to alkaline properties, living water is charged with negative charges of about 0.8-0.9 volts. It loses its properties faster than dead water, for about a week, provided it is stored in tightly closed containers.

      Dead water (anolyte, acidic water) is a colorless, clear liquid with a sour taste and a characteristic odor of acid. This water is an excellent bactericide and disinfectant. It slows down the biological processes in the human and animal body, lowers blood pressure, calms the nerves, improves sleep, reduces joint pain. By regularly rinsing the oral cavity with it after eating, it dissolves tartar, stops bleeding gums and disinfects the oral cavity. Dead water disinfects bandages, linen, clothes, shoes, various utensils, food, fruits, vegetables, even rooms and soil very well. Very effectively and quickly cures the common cold, sore throat in colds, stops diarrhea. It is easy to prepare dead water with the widely advertised pH = 5.5, which can be used for washing instead of expensive detergents. Dead water is also charged with positive charges of about 0.9-1.1 volts, which enhances its action. When stored in tightly closed containers, it retains its properties for 2-3 weeks.

      The properties of anolyte and catholyte are completely different. When the anolyte and the catholyte are mixed, neutral water is again obtained, although without sediment. Therefore, when the use of both types of water is required for therapeutic purposes, there should be a difference of at least one hour between their intake. A frequently asked question is what is the healing effect of activated water. Activated water in its electrolytic parameters is very close to body fluids (blood, intercellular fluid, etc.). Therefore, it is immediately involved in the vital activity of the body and has a beneficial effect on restoring the body's energy balance. Especially important is the fact that this is a natural product that helps to activate the body's internal forces.

      Изходен текст
      4. Ефект върху вирусни инфекции. Когато вирусите попаднат в тялото, имунните клетки ги атакуват с активен кислород, за да ни предпазят от тях. Но ако броят на вирусите е прекалено голям, имунните клетки продължават да отделят активен кислород докато накрая се самоунищожават. След което броя на вирусите бързо се увелича и причинява инфекция. Активния водород реагира с излишъка от активен кислород и предпазва имунните клетки от самоубийствена реакция. Като резултат, това облекчава инфекциозните болести. Според др. Паоло Карлони, Италия, е възможно активния водород да има ефект дори срещу вируса на СПИН. След като навлезе в човешките клетки, вируса на СПИН отделя протеин, ензим който е основен за неговото разпространение. Активния водород притежава склонност да реагира с този ензим и предотврати размножаването на вируса. Така броят на клетките на вируса намалява и се повлиява добре върху симптомите на болестта.

      5. Ефект върху рака. Теломер, специална ДНК последователност, която се наблюдава накрая на ДНК веригата, става все по-къса след отделянето на всяка клетка. Когато теломера се изгуби напълно, не се проявява повече деление на клетките и те загиват след определен период от време. Но теломера на раковите клетки се възстановява и тяхното делене продължава. Според проф. Ширахата, активния водород блокира взаимодействията на теломера и прави ограничен живота на раковите клетки.

      Живата вода (католит, алкална вода) е по-мътна, сивкава течност, без мирис, с алкален вкус, много мека. След реакцията утайките падат на дъното и водата става прозрачна. Колкото по-лошокачествена е водата, толкова повече утайки се образуват, като в утайките се концентрират и съдържащите се във водата радионуклиди. Така се постига и допълнителен ефект – смекчаване и пречистване на водата. Живата вода е отлично тонизиращо и стимулиращо средство. Тя ускорява биологичните процеси в организма, увеличава кръвното налягане, подобрява усвояването на храната, ускорява обмяната на веществата, подобрява апетита, придава енергия, бодрост. Тя бързо лекува различни рани, от драскотини, раздразнения на кожата, до язви на стомаха и дванадесетопръстника. Живата вода освежава увехналите цветя и след това те дълго запазват свежестта си. Семената, киснати в жива вода преди да бъдат посети, покълват по-бързо, а при периодично поливане с жива вода дават по-добра реколта, която и узрява по-бързо. Живата вода е отлично средство за пране, обезмасляване на повърхности, стимулиране растежа на домашните животни. Освен алкалните свойства, живата вода е заредена с отрицателни заряди около 0,8-0,9 волта. Тя губи свойствата си по-бързо, отколкото мъртвата вода, за около седмица, при условие, че се съхранява в плътно затворени съдове.

      Мъртвата вода (анолит, киселинна вода) е безцветна, прозрачна течност с кисел вкус и характерен мирис на киселина. Тази вода е отлично бактерицидно и дезинфекциращо средство. Тя забавя биологичните процеси в организма на човека и животните, понижава кръвното налягане, успокоява нервите, подобрява съня, намалява болките в ставите. При редовно изплакване на устната кухина с нея след ядене, тя разтваря зъбния камък, спира кръвотечението от венците и дезинфекцира устната кухина. Мъртвата вода дезинфекцира много добре бинтове, бельо, дрехи, обувки, различни съдове, хранителни продукти, плодове, зеленчуци, дори помещения и почва. Много ефективно и бързо лекува обикновената хрема, болката в гърлото при простудни заболявания, прекратява диарията. Лесно може да се приготви мъртва вода с широко рекламирания pH=5,5, която да се използува за миене вместо скъпоструващи препарати. Мъртвата вода, освен това е заредена с положителни заряди около 0,9-1,1 волта, което усилва действието и. При съхраняване в плътно затворени съдове тя запазва свойствата си 2-3 седмици.

      Свойствата на анолита и католита са съвършено различни. При смесването на анолит и католит се получава отново неутрална вода, макар и вече без утайки. Затова, когато за лечебни цели се налага използуването на двата типа вода, между тяхното приемане следва да има поне едночасова разлика. Често задаван въпрос е в какво се заключава лечебното въздействие на активираната вода. Активираната вода по своите електролитически параметри е много близка до телесните течности (кръв, междуклетъчна течност и др.). Затова тя се включва веднага в жизнената дейност на организма и влияе благоприятно на възстановяването на енергийния баланс на организма. Особено важен е фактът, че това е естествен продукт, спомагащ за активизация на вътрешните сили на организма.

      Не е целесъобразно активираната вода да се съхранява в хладилника. Изследванията показват, че при охлаждане времето за съхранение не се увеличава. При кипване активираната вода губи свойствата си много бързо, поради което се препоръчва да не се приготвя вода в запас. По-добре винаги да се използва свежо приготвена вода, а остатъкът да се използва за поливане на цветята, пране и т.н..

      Стопяване на тумори – д-р Нешо М. Нешев*

      Какво е туморът – измене
      Ne e tselesŭobrazno aktiviranata voda da se sŭkhranyava v khladilnika. Izsledvaniyata pokazvat, che pri okhlazhdane vremeto za sŭkhranenie ne se uvelichava. Pri kipvane aktiviranata voda gubi svoĭstvata si mnogo bŭrzo, poradi koeto se preporŭchva da ne se prigotvya voda v zapas. Po-dobre vinagi da se izpolzva svezho prigotvena voda, a ostatŭkŭt da se izpolzva za polivane na tsvetyata, prane i t.n.. Stopyavane na tumori – d-r Nesho M. Neshev* Kakvo e tumorŭt – izmenenieto na obemŭt, konsistentsiyata ili funktsiyata na daden organ se naricha tumor. Kogato izmenenieto se dŭlzhi na technost se naricha kista. Tumorŭt i kistata mogat da se obrazuvat vŭv vseki organ i tŭkan. Imeto na tumora pokazva ot kakva tŭkan i v koĭ organ se e obrazuval. Kŭde i koga se obrazuva tumor – Tumorŭt se obrazuva v organ, koĭto ima narusheno krŭvosnabdyavane. Tova obiknoveno stava sled preboleduvane. Bolkata mozhe da e ot·stranena (chrez lekarstva), no ne e li ot·stranena prichinata, izlekuvaneto ne e pŭlno. Kletkite, prinudeni da zhiveyat pri nalichie na pikochna kiselina, v daden moment zapochvat da ya izpolzvat za khrana i tumorŭt e veche na litse. 68% ot tumorite pokazvat kisela reaktsiya. Vednŭzh obrazuvani, tumornite kletki kato magnit zadŭrzhat pikochnata kiselina i eto zashto rastezha na tumora sŭotvet·stva na kolichestvoto pikochna kiselina v tyaloto. Kogato edin tumor se izrezhe, no obrazuvaneto na pikochna kiselina ne se preustanovi, tumorŭt se poyavyava otnovo – retsidiv. Merki za stopyavane na tumora – piene na zhiva voda po 200ml., prez 4 chasa (v 6, 10, 14 i 18 chasa). Khranene samo s plodove i zelenchutsi, bez v khranata da ima beltŭk. Lipsata na beltŭk ot meso, mlyako, bob i dr., v khranata shte sŭzdade beltŭchen glad v organizma, neobkhodim za stopyavane na tumora. Ezhednevni 30-minutni razkhodki na chist vŭzdukh. Lekuvashtiya tryabva da znae, che osobeno prez noshtta shte izpitva bolki v samiya tumor. Tezi bolki shte imat razlichna prodŭlzhitelnost, v zavisimost ot skorostta na stopyavane na tumora. Namalyavane obema na tumora, ako toĭ e vidim ili opipvaem, izmenenieto na kiselinnostta na urinata ot 5,4 kŭm 6,2 – 6,8 sa pokazateli, che lechenieto se provezhda pravilno. Izchezvaneto na tumora, ako toĭ e vidim ili opipvaem, lipsata na bolka, stoĭnostta na kiselinnostta na urinata ot 6,6-6,8 i ne otkrivaneto na tumora pri ekho grafski pregled, sa usloviya, pokazvashti, che lechenieto e zavŭrshilo. Nezavisimo ot tova, pieneto na zhiva voda tryabva da prodŭlzhi. To s nishto nyama da prechi na normalniya zhivot na organizma. Khraneneto, sled zavŭrshvane na lechenieto ne tryabva da e kakto predi poyavata na tumora, a s mnogo po-malko kolichestvo zhivotinski beltŭk. Tŭĭ kato v momenta, kogato za prŭv pŭt nauchava, che ima tumor, toĭ izpitva uplakha i stres, to ekho grafskiya pregled ili drug pregled, koĭto da pokazhe, che ima tumor tryabva da se napravi pri sŭshtiya lekar, za da se razblokira tozi stres. Kakvo kolichestvo zhiva voda mozhe da se pie? – D-r Neshev spodelya: „… Vŭrkhu sebe si provedokh sledniya opit: izmerikh puls, temperatura, krŭvno nalyagane i pH. Izpikh na edin pŭt litŭr zhiva voda i prez polovin chas, v prodŭlzhenie na pet chasa proveryavakh gornite stoĭnosti. Izmeneni imashe samo v pH.” i dopŭlva „…ot 1994g. do sega az piya samo zhiva vida.” Pri uvelichavane upotrebata na zhiva voda ozdravitelniya efekt nastŭpva po-bŭrzo, kato ne nastŭpvat nikakvi fiziologicheski otkloneniya, osven po-chestoto urinirane. Aritmetichno dokazvane povishavaneto na pH na krŭvta sled piene na zhiva voda. Prieto e da se schita , che v choveshkiya organizŭm kolichestvoto na krŭvta e 5000ml. Pri povishena kiselinnost, kogato pH-to na krŭvta e primerno 6000 i v edin mili litŭr krŭv tryabva da ima 6000 khidroksilni anniĭoni, to tsyaloto kolichestvo krŭv 5000 ml. umnozheno po 6000 shte pokazhe, che v tsyalata krŭv ima 30 000 000 khidroksilni anniĭoni. Pri izpivane na 200ml. zhiva voda /alkalno aktivirana/ s pH 10 000, to v organizma sme vkarali 2 000 000 alkalno khidroksilni anniĭoni. Sega sŭbirame kolichestvoto krŭv i kolichestvoto izpita voda i poluchavame 5200 ml. Sŭbirame kolichestvoto khidroksilni anniĭoni ot krŭvta s kolichestvoto khidroksilni anniĭoni ot izpitata voda i poluchavame 32 000 000. Delim obshtoto kolichestvo khidroksilni anniĭoni na obshtoto kolichestvo krŭv (32 000 000/5200=6,153). Ot polucheniya rezultat se vizhda , che pH-to na krŭvta se e uvelichilo s 0,153, a spored nauchnite danni (Malakhov) samo 0.003 izmenenie na pH-to e dostatŭchno za ubivane na tumornite i rakovi kletki. Kato razdelim 0.153 na 0.003, poluchavame 50, koeto pokazva, che povishenoto pH na krŭvta e 50 pŭti po-silno – tova e obyasnenieto za izchezvaneto na tumorite i ozdravitelnoto deĭstvie na ZHIVATA VODA. V paketa Aktivator za zhiva i mŭrtva voda s titaniev elektrod na Bio Kultura se vklyuchva: 1. Tapa s elektrodi /edin titaniev i edin ot khirurgicheska nerŭzhdaema stomana, marka 304/ – 1 br. 2. Adaptor – 1 br. 3. Glinen sŭd ot kaolin, ekologichno chist, v koĭto se formira kiselata voda 0.500 – 0.600 l. – 1 br. 4. Polipropilenova kana /RR 04/s vmestimost 2 l.—1 br. 5. Instruktsii za polzvane—1 br.
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      Резултати за превод
      It is not advisable to store activated water in the refrigerator. Studies show that storage time does not increase during cooling. When boiling, the activated water loses its properties very quickly, which is why it is recommended not to prepare water in stock. It is better to always use freshly prepared water, and the rest to be used for watering flowers, laundry, etc ..

      Melting of tumors - Dr. Nesho M. Neshev *

      What is a tumor - A change in the volume, consistency or function of an organ is called a tumor. When the change is due to fluid it is called a cyst. Tumors and cysts can form in any organ and tissue. The name of the tumor indicates from what tissue and in which organ it has formed.

      Where and when a tumor forms - The tumor forms in an organ that has an impaired blood supply. This usually happens after an illness. The pain can be removed (by medication), but if the cause is not removed, the cure is not complete. The cells, forced to live in the presence of uric acid, at some point begin to use it for food and the tumor is already on the face. 68% of tumors show an acid reaction. Once formed, tumor cells retain uric acid like a magnet, and therefore tumor growth corresponds to the amount of uric acid in the body. When a tumor is excised but uric acid formation does not stop, the tumor reappears - recurrence.

      Measures for melting the tumor - drinking 200 ml of living water every 4 hours (at 6, 10, 14 and 18 hours). Eating only fruits and vegetables without protein in the diet. The lack of protein from meat, milk, beans, etc., in the diet will create protein starvation in the body, necessary for the melting of the tumor. Daily 30-minute walks in the fresh air. The doctor should know that he will experience pain in the tumor itself, especially at night. These pains will have different durations, depending on the rate at which the tumor has melted.

      Reducing the volume of the tumor, if it is visible or palpable, the change in urine acidity from 5.4 to 6.2 - 6.8 are indicators that the treatment is carried out correctly.

      The disappearance of the tumor, if it is visible or palpable, the absence of pain, the urinary acidity value of 6.6-6.8 and the non-detection of the tumor on echographic examination are conditions indicating that treatment has been completed. Nevertheless, drinking living water should continue. It will not interfere with the normal life of the body. Eating after treatment should not be the same as before the tumor, but with a much smaller amount of animal protein.

      Because the moment he first learns that he has a tumor, he experiences fear and stress, then an ultrasound scan or other examination to show that he has a tumor should be done by the same doctor to unblock that stress. .

      How much living water can you drink? - Dr. Neshev shares: "… I conducted the following experiment on myself: I measured heart rate, temperature, blood pressure and pH. I drank a liter of living water at a time and every half hour, for five hours, I checked the above values. Only the pH was changed. ” and supplements'… from 1994. so far I only drink live species. ” With increasing use of living water, the healing effect occurs faster, with no physiological abnormalities, except for more frequent urination.

      Arithmetic proof of the increase in blood pH after drinking living water.

      It is considered that in the human body the amount of blood is 5000 ml. At high acidity, when the pH of the blood is for example 6000 and in one liter of blood there should be 6000 hydroxyl anions, the total amount of blood is 5000 ml. multiplied by 6,000 will show that there are 30,000,000 hydroxyl anions in the whole blood.

      When drinking 200 ml. living water (alkaline activated) with a pH of 10,000, we have introduced 2,000,000 alkali hydroxyl anions into the body.

      Now we collect the amount of blood and the amount of water tested and we get 5200 ml.

      We add the amount of hydroxyl anions from the blood with the amount of hydroxyl anions from the tested water and we get 32,000,000.

      Divide the total amount of hydroxyl anions by the total amount of blood (32,000,000 / 5,200 = 6,153). The obtained result shows that the pH of the blood has increased by 0.153, and according to scientific data (Malakhov) only 0.003 change in pH is enough to kill tumor and cancer cells. Dividing 0.153 by 0.003, we get 50, which shows that the increased pH of the blood is 50 times stronger - this is the explanation for the disappearance of tumors and the healing effect of LIVING WATER.

      The package of Activator for living and dead water with titanium electrode of Bio Kultura includes:
      1. Cap with electrodes / one titanium and one made of surgical stainless steel, brand 304 / - 1 pc.
      2. Adapter - 1 pc.
      3. Kaolin clay vessel, ecologically clean, in which the acid water is formed 0.500 - 0.600 l. - 1 piece.
      4. Polypropylene jug / PP 04 / with a capacity of 2 l. — 1 pc.
      5. Instructions for use — 1 pc.

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