Why honey crystallized (candied honey) and useful is it?
Many people avoid buying honey that has crystallized and seek only liquid. Therefore many honey producers are trying to meet consumer tastes and attractive state to liquefy the sucrose honey. For this purpose, the honey to heat, but sometimes gets overheated and thereby take away the very important nutritional and medicinal properties known why consumers buy it.
Crystallization of honey (honey candy) is quite normal for honey and is proof that it is natural.
The crystallization is a process in which molten copper is converted to the crystalline solid and thereby retains the composition, properties and quality. The rate of crystallization, and the size of the crystals depend on the composition (of vegetable origin) of the honey, the storage conditions, the presence of seed crystals, and other factors.
Acacia, honeydew and certain other types of honey do not crystallize or crystallize very slowly as honey from rape, sunflower, fruit and other crystallized in the first days or weeks after centrifugation. Crystal can be small or large.
The inclination of the honey to crystallize is dependent upon the ratio of fructose-glucose and glucose-water
If glucose-water ratio is below 1.7, the honey does not crystallize and if it is above 2.1, it crystallizes quickly. The higher the ratio of fructose-glucose, the slower crystallization takes place. The presence of seed crystals of glucose, pollen, air bubbles, impurities, and other mechanical accelerate crystallization. The best temperature for the crystallization is 13-15 degrees Celsius. At low temperatures, the increased number of the crystals is slowed down because of the increased viscosity and reduced diffusion, and at a high temperature increases the solubility of the sugars.
Honey is used in folk medicine as a primary or auxiliary agent for the treatment of gastritis and in the modified acidity of the stomach. It appears curative effect for respiratory diseases, inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, due to its antibacterial activity of the honey.
Used as dietary and therapeutic agent in liver disease because it provides carbohydrates for the synthesis of glycogen.
Source: http://e-zdravey.com/bg/home/