Traditionally Bulgarian cuisine using two vegetable oils - sunflower oil for cooking and olive oil for salads and more sophisticated dishes. We should not forget that fat, especially virgin , are not only a means of flavored food, but to make it more useful . Therefore, the greater variety of vegetable oils we use in everyday life, the less we will need taking synthetic vitamins.
Olive oil comprises between 55 and 80% of monounsaturated oleic acid , between 4 and 20% omega - 6 fatty acids, and up to 2% of omega- 3 unsaturated fatty acids. It contains about 15% more saturated fats , vitamin E, which plays an important antioxidant role . Other vitamins found in olive oil are A and D. It is rich in a number of minerals - calcium, potassium , magnesium, carotene. In 100 g of olive oil contains unsaturated '85 and 15 g saturated fatty acids, and 900 calories. The disadvantage of extra virgin olive oil lies in the fact that he should not be heated because then loses some of its qualities . It is advisable to use it mostly for salads.
Olive oil has enormously beneficial effects on oraganizma person. It has been shown that the use of 3 tablespoons of olive oil a day helps to reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis disease 2.5 times .
It has been found that olive oil has a healing effect in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases . With his help can significantly reduce the level of ' bad' cholesterol and increase "good" cholesterol. Olive oil helps to reduce the intensity of free radical oxidation , normalize blood pressure , increase the elasticity of the artery walls and reduce the risk of a thrombosis.
Safflower oil is rich in omega - 3 and omega - 6 , improves the metabolism of the liver , avoiding natrupvanetozehtin fat and toxins in it. Also, reduces appetite , melts fats and helps you lose weight.
Oil from shark liver . It contains alkilglitseroli that prevent triglycerides accumulate in the liver. Improve fat metabolism , thus helping to lose weight .
Corn oil is also very valuable product . It is an excellent source of unsaturated fatty acids. Corn oil regulates the level of cholesterol. Corn oil contributes to better performance and helps with bloating . For this purpose drink one tablespoon of corn oil per day after hranene.Zaradi high content of vitamin K potion of corn silk is used for treatment of bleeding , which are associated with reduction of prothrombin .
A decoction of corn hair has a strong diuretic effect , suppresses appetite , so effectively used for weight loss.
Treatment with corn oil and corn hair is not recommended for people with problems with appetite and increased blood clotting . A decoction of corn hair completely prohibited in physical exhaustion .
Grape seed oil is extremely resistant to high temperature , it is the best oil for frying and cooking. Furthermore, the flavor is so mild that it does not change the taste of the dishes. In the oil and contain the most valuable components of the grapes - polyphenols . They protect our cells from free radicals and have anticancer properties.
Grapeseed oil is popular not only in cooking but also in cosmetic care. It creates a natural skin protection from UV rays stimulate the production of collagen and absorbs quickly into the skin. So you can use both at home masks and add it to your sunscreen oil.
Nut oil from the core of the nut is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E and D and trace elements - iodine , copper, zinc and calcium. But its greatest value lies in ellagic acid - a natural antioxidant that slows aging , improves the functioning of the brain and enhances immunity . Omega -3 fatty acids do is beneficial for the cardiovascular system and skin.
Walnut oil is most appropriate for flavoring salads and appetizers as gives them a pleasant nutty flavor . However, as it is not resistant to high temperatures should not use it in cooking. Another drawback may be indicated his little durability and because it is most reasonable to buy it in small containers .
Soybean oil . Most cooking fats labeled as " vegetable oil " , are made from soybeans. Soybean oil supplies the body with a substantial amount of omega -3 fatty acids, which play a vital role in preventing the blockage of the blood vessels . It has beneficial effects on the whole body , it is useful particularly for improving the elasticity of the artery walls , resulting in the risk of heart disease significantly reduced .
Usually from soybean oil prepared many margarines , mayonnaise and salad dressings . Furthermore, the soybean oil is suitable for frying as it withstands high temperatures.
Linseed oil is an oil with the richest source of essential omega- 3 fatty acids ( nearly 60% of total) . Only 1-2 tablespoons a day of it , lower cholesterol and blood pressure , prevent heart disease and stop the inflammatory processes in the body. No less favorably affects regular use and hair , skin and nails us who are visibly more healthy and shiny. Flaxseed oil is a rich source of many minerals - zinc , iron, magnesium , sulfur , calcium, phosphorus , potassium, manganese, copper and chromium.
Sesame oil is another oil that slows down the aging of the body , this time because of the antioxidant sezamolin . Same reason sesame oil has a very high durability and not rancid , even in the hottest climates. Another valuable ingredient in it is lecithin - real food for the brain , which improves memory and mental work.
Sesame oil is very popular in Chinese cuisine , where it is used not as a main fat and spice . Indeed, it should not be overdone . Add only a few drops in the already prepared meals, because although pleasant , intense taste .
Peanut oil has the ability to reduce the so-called . "Bad " cholesterol and improve levels of "good " are proven. This is due to the information contained in peanuts monounsaturated fatty acids. Furthermore, peanut oil is a valuable source of vitamin E. This vitamin is essential for the health and proper functioning of the heart. This oil is widely used in Asian cuisine . Has a high smoking point , so it is very suitable for cooking.
Chefs recommend peanut oil during food preparation , requiring prolonged heat treatment of higher degrees . The good news is that the fat is not absorbed very much of it cooked products.