Top natural remedies for skin problems like wrinkles, stretch marks and acne
The usual skin creams, lotions, ointments or advertised on television or glossy magazine ads are not effective for wrinkles, stretch marks, acne and other skin problems. They often make matters worse, expensive, and some even contain carcinogenic ingredients.
Pharmaceutical applications prescribed by a dermatologist can also be so inefficient and damaging, and probably more expensive. The skin is the largest organ. This is the first line of defense of the immune system. However, some components may be absorbed into the bloodstream.
A wise first choice is to use natural ingredients on your skin if you know which likely helped unwanted skin condition.
Natural ways to protect the skin
Here are some suggestions, starting from the most serious, unpleasant skin conditions to less threatening.
Skin cancer (non-melanoma) and warts reportedly treated with extracts of eggplant. The physician Dr. Bill Cham, MD, PhD, from the UK, watching Australian farmers and veterinarians to treat farm animals from skin cancer with folk remedy derived from Australian plants Devil's Apple.
He took samples from the Devil's Apple and study them to determine their active ingredients. As the devil's apple is not easily found anywhere, he is looking for an easier alternative source that contains the same glycosides phytonutrients and glikoalkaloidi who are agents of the devil's apple treating cancer. It turns out that this is the eggplant. So Dr. Cham creates a cream that uses these compounds eggplant for sale in a retail chain known as BEC5. Although not approved by the main dermatology, which insists on avoiding the sun to prevent skin cancer.
Dr. Jonathan Wright MD, founder of holistic Tahoma Clinic in Seattle, Washington, promotes BECS product of Dr. Cham.
You can even make your own mixture of eggplant extract, which many people have tried successfully explained here.
Herpes and several other skin irritations including eczema, dermatitis, ringworm is easily removed with the use of aloe vera gel. Aloe vera has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal.
Use the highest quality organic gel that you can find, or better still grow their own. Cutting or peeling of the leaf opens its healing gel which may be applied directly to the infected areas.
Ringworm is a fungus on the skin surface, which can occur as athlete's foot, ring worm or genital sores on skin areas for men and women.
Tapeworm looks like a red ring and can occur almost anywhere. Other infected by ringworm areas may be red or show white, flaky appearance. Ringworm is a fungus that likes warm, humid areas, making these areas itchy almost continuously. The most common topical administration, which is usually effective is tea tree oil. This is a local folk remedy that has been proven in clinical studies in Western medicine.
Niemann is another good natural topical remedy for ringworm. Ointment usually works well, and if you can find ozonation or oxidized tea tree oil or neem ointment, use them. You can also get some relief from fresh unpasteurized apple cider vinegar.
Here's what recommended for wrinkles, stretch marks and acne Chris Kilam, a professor of botany at the University of Massachusetts Amherst: For wrinkles, try using funds that contain comfrey, calendula and lavender. Maca powder is also an excellent choice to help your skin stay young.
Stretch marks can be reduced more quickly by massaging the coconut oil and shea butter in the skin, but the oil of Tamanu from Pacific Islands is even better.
Tamanu oil also helps exclusively in Acne. Oils and creams containing kopayba or dragon blood are also useful for acne.