In the center of the chest, behind the sternum, right where people point when they say "I", is an important gland called the thymus. Its name comes from the Greek "thýmos", meaning life energy, which describes its biological meaning beautifully.
It is an endocrine glandular organ with strong activity in childhood and active growth. This is the main gland of the immune system and its function is the development and maturation of T-lymphocytes.
Movement / Evaluation
Basic gland of the immune system, with a pronounced protective function. The main cells of the immune system, lymphocytes or T cells mature in the thymus, it also has an important function in the growth and adaptation of systems in the body.
BIOLOGICAL CONFLICT: Conflict of defense in the family. Why are those important things that are necessary for my existence being taken away from me?
Conflict of denial of acceptance and growth, denial of maturation. I constantly need my mom's protection to survive.
The thymus gland grows when we are happy and shrinks in half when we are stressed, unhappy and especially when we get sick. This characteristic has always confused traditional medicine with regard to its variability, without explaining to itself why. At autopsies, patients have always found it in a very shrunken state.
This gland was thought to have atrophied and stopped working in adolescence, so for decades, doctors bombarded perfectly healthy glands with high doses of X-rays, believing that because of their growth, they were "unusually sized" and could create problems.
The thymus gland
is one of the pillars of our immune system, along with the adrenal glands and spine, and is directly related to the senses, consciousness and language. Like a telephone exchange through which all calls pass, it makes connections to and from the inside. When we are attacked by external microbes and toxins, it reacts immediately, producing protective cells. It is also very sensitive to images, colors, lights, smells, tastes, gestures, touches, sounds, words and thoughts, which is why it is also known as the gland of happiness.
Love and hate affect her deeply. Negative thoughts have many times more impact on her than germs and bacteria. Because our negative attitudes to life often last for long periods of time, the thymus gland considers it biologically correct to respond and protect us all the time, and then it weakens significantly, shrinking from the constant struggle against the "unknown invader". Then there is the driving of clear symptoms of low immunity, such as herpes. For compensation, positive thoughts and emotions manage to activate her positive forces, and then we feel strong, healthy and happy, knowing that by believing in us we can move mountains.
People keep their bodies healthy and beautiful when they feel happy and get sick when they feel unhappy. In other words, when you say and feel "I'm happy", it is not possible for the body to get sick, while if you say and believe, "I'm unhappy", you lose strength and your body can easily get sick (this is self-tuning). your immune biological system).
At BioNeuroEmotion we have found that if you want, there is a way to train your thymus gland to increase your production of well-being and happiness, to gain strength and health.
In the morning, when you get up or at night before bed, do the following:
1) Upright with slightly bent knees (stride should be the same as the shoulders are wide). Place the weight of the body on your toes, not on the heel, and try to keep all the muscles well relaxed.
It is an endocrine glandular organ with strong activity in childhood and active growth. This is the main gland of the immune system and its function is the development and maturation of T-lymphocytes.
Movement / Evaluation
Basic gland of the immune system, with a pronounced protective function. The main cells of the immune system, lymphocytes or T cells mature in the thymus, it also has an important function in the growth and adaptation of systems in the body.
BIOLOGICAL CONFLICT: Conflict of defense in the family. Why are those important things that are necessary for my existence being taken away from me?
Conflict of denial of acceptance and growth, denial of maturation. I constantly need my mom's protection to survive.
The thymus gland grows when we are happy and shrinks in half when we are stressed, unhappy and especially when we get sick. This characteristic has always confused traditional medicine with regard to its variability, without explaining to itself why. At autopsies, patients have always found it in a very shrunken state.
This gland was thought to have atrophied and stopped working in adolescence, so for decades, doctors bombarded perfectly healthy glands with high doses of X-rays, believing that because of their growth, they were "unusually sized" and could create problems.
The thymus gland
is one of the pillars of our immune system, along with the adrenal glands and spine, and is directly related to the senses, consciousness and language. Like a telephone exchange through which all calls pass, it makes connections to and from the inside. When we are attacked by external microbes and toxins, it reacts immediately, producing protective cells. It is also very sensitive to images, colors, lights, smells, tastes, gestures, touches, sounds, words and thoughts, which is why it is also known as the gland of happiness.
Love and hate affect her deeply. Negative thoughts have many times more impact on her than germs and bacteria. Because our negative attitudes to life often last for long periods of time, the thymus gland considers it biologically correct to respond and protect us all the time, and then it weakens significantly, shrinking from the constant struggle against the "unknown invader". Then there is the driving of clear symptoms of low immunity, such as herpes. For compensation, positive thoughts and emotions manage to activate her positive forces, and then we feel strong, healthy and happy, knowing that by believing in us we can move mountains.
People keep their bodies healthy and beautiful when they feel happy and get sick when they feel unhappy. In other words, when you say and feel "I'm happy", it is not possible for the body to get sick, while if you say and believe, "I'm unhappy", you lose strength and your body can easily get sick (this is self-tuning). your immune biological system).
At BioNeuroEmotion we have found that if you want, there is a way to train your thymus gland to increase your production of well-being and happiness, to gain strength and health.
In the morning, when you get up or at night before bed, do the following:
1) Upright with slightly bent knees (stride should be the same as the shoulders are wide). Place the weight of the body on your toes, not on the heel, and try to keep all the muscles well relaxed.
2) Close the fingers of one hand at one point and start tapping continuously with your fingertips in the center of your chest, marking the rhythm as follows: one strong and two weaker taps. Keep doing this exercise breathing deeply and calmly until you feel the vibration produced in your entire chest area. 21 taps in the morning and 21 taps in the evening is enough.
Exercise draws blood and energy to the thymus gland and makes it grow in vitality, and is also of great benefit to the lungs, heart, bronchi and throat.
From ancient times, the sages of the East were aware of this connection between the thymus gland and health, so they have created many exercises to strengthen it and predispose it to growth and proper functioning in the body.
One of the most effective exercises is: "Sun in the chest"
Make yourself comfortable in a quiet and ventilated place. Gently massage the center of your chest. Visualize that you have a sun point there, slowly opening while you receive a warm massage. This visualization activates our thymus gland.
With a loose fist, gently tap the center of the chest. Continue to visualize the opening of a bright and powerful sun in the center of your chest. Feel the warmth and power of life.
If you have problems with your immune system, it is advisable to do it several times a day until you achieve obvious improvement.
Exercise draws blood and energy to the thymus gland and makes it grow in vitality, and is also of great benefit to the lungs, heart, bronchi and throat.
From ancient times, the sages of the East were aware of this connection between the thymus gland and health, so they have created many exercises to strengthen it and predispose it to growth and proper functioning in the body.
One of the most effective exercises is: "Sun in the chest"
Make yourself comfortable in a quiet and ventilated place. Gently massage the center of your chest. Visualize that you have a sun point there, slowly opening while you receive a warm massage. This visualization activates our thymus gland.
With a loose fist, gently tap the center of the chest. Continue to visualize the opening of a bright and powerful sun in the center of your chest. Feel the warmth and power of life.
If you have problems with your immune system, it is advisable to do it several times a day until you achieve obvious improvement.