The history of our traditional medicine is as old as old history of our nation. Many scientists and physicians cared for the health of our people, but few written traces remain. Therefore it is our duty to collect, distribute and multiply.
Priceless recipes and comprehensive concept of health left Deunov and his disciple Peter Dimkov. For many herbs he wrote, but one features a breathtaking power. Bazan is a powerful immune stimulator, the most valuable Bulgarian herb healer says Peter Dimkov.
Here's what he says in his book:
"I was out on a trip to Svoge and suddenly came across a weasel who struggled with viper. Poisonous snake tried to bite weasel, she does it to bite your finger tips ... snake snake had the upper hand - it pecked weasel. I thought the fight was over. Weasel quickly ducked into the bushes, I saw how she peeled off with their sharp teeth bark of an elder and crunched a bit of it ... A moment then came back and grabbed the snake ... And do not leave it until you gnawing and death ... From then is my interest to black elderberry ... This is a wonderful plant ... cattle grazing on the slopes, eat autumn black grains of elderberry as a person eats baklava ... and once I watched what they were doing swallows before they fly south, a few days among greedily peck grains of elderberry - only them! - And loaded with forces to fly the huge distance ... "
With proven anti-cancer properties Bazan is a valuable plant that is able to bring many benefits to human health. The fruits of black elderberry is a complete pharmacy for our health, as long as you know how to apply them. Elder berries are rich in antitsianovi compounds which have a large role in neutralizing free radicals. There is a huge amount of pectin and cellulose in elderberry and save it in the plant contain many valuable minerals and trace elements.
There is a huge amount of vitamin C in elderberry, and if you can dry them properly, you can keep most of the nutrients. The fruit of the elderberry is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances.
How do different types of elder in Bulgaria and dial the correct? Black elderberry - Sambucus nigra is a tree. It grows widely and mainly in damp places, and is known to us mostly with its fragrant flowers that appear in May-June and used for the preparation of sweet refreshing "bazonada" - colors syrup and sugar. With healing qualities, however, known to folk medicine and described by a number naturopath, features another kind of elder - Sambucus ebulus. I.e. prevention and treatment is not recommended to use black elder tree and grassy elder called danewort thicket. It unlike the first is a herbaceous plant - a shrub. Blooms later - in July-August with more white than the other elderberry flowers and bound also dark black fruits in September. You will recognize it more erect up infructescenses, unlike those of the tree that are hanging down. The healer Peter Dimkov calls it "Polish bazunyak."
Shrubs with small black berries are everywhere - in the garden in front of the building you even. Ripen by the end of August - the end of September. This period is ideal for picking this herb spread throughout Bulgaria. Select still nice and clean place where to pick elderberries.
To prepare the syrup elder dial a nice ripe elderberry, and if there zelenkavi beans, discard them because they are poisonous! Wash them and arrange them in a large jar, alternating row fruits, sugar line to above. Cover the jar with gauze and put it in a sunny place to ferment for about two weeks. Then strain through cheesecloth and distribute the mixture into small jars or bottles. Close them and put in a dark and cold place.
The original recipe by Peter Dimkov is this: In a jar 5 kg. queue row grains (2 cm. thick) order fine sugar. The top layer is sugar - 9 cm. Instead lid is put a piece of canvas and jar leave a bright and sunny place, and sugar to melt. Strain through a fine cloth being squeezed. Pour into bottles and is tied with cloth rather than cap and keep cool not to sour.
If you still close with a stopper or cap jars / bottles - open them every day or keep them tightly closed because of the fermentation process may burst. Plodchetata you can not throw, but to make jam.
From the homemade medicine is given 1 tablespoon morning, afternoon and evening on an empty stomach 20 minutes before meals. For prevention can only once a day - in the morning. This recipe is recommended in many cases, as a preventive measure for the general strengthening of the immune system against aging and wrinkles, against colds and flu and even cancer. Again, we pay attention that you should not use green beans, but dark and mature beans. Green fruits wild elderberries contain poisonous substances.
Autumn is the best time to fortify the immune system. And if you start from the fall and taking elderberry syrup all winter - colds and viral diseases will pass you by. Best prevention is the best care and investment in good health!