Liver is a laboratory whose activity depends our health - it purifies the blood, extract toxins, some destroyed, others store, kills germs affects hormone levels in the body and many others.
As one of the most beneficial foods for our liver are freshly squeezed juices, especially carrot, apple (especially green and acidic), beet, lemon, spinach, cabbage, black radish, dandelion leaves. Fasting in larger quantities those juices literally washed him. They are easy to process, not wasting unnecessary energy and at the same time provide maximum nutrients. Combinations of these juices are even more beneficial. The most famous and curative ones (in the system of Norman Walker) are:
- Carrots and beets
- Carrots, apples and beets
- Carrots and spinach
- Carrots, celery, parsley
- Carrots, beets, cucumber
- Apples and beets
- Carrots and cabbage
These are some of the many options - they are all very tasty and pleasant to drink. Just make juices, any juices at any time - they treat you deliver your pleasant emotions and fill you with energy almost instantly.
Another great food for the liver are all fruits and vegetables. Are also easy to handle and also perform miracles while munching on them with delight. They contain a wide range of useful substances involved and help for the proper functioning of liver function. If essential healing of your liver, you can choose mostly fruits and vegetables grown environmentally friendly - without pesticides, fertilizers, chemicals and clean area. This category includes bio or organic food. This is important because all these chemicals and toxins enter first in the liver and so we burden the state and even more burdensome. Vegetables above listed for the preparation of juice are also useful to consume purposes. Eat your more and dandelion leaves, tomatoes, black radish, garlic.
There is a food group that much help in the detoxification process carried out by our liver. These are foods rich in sulfur. The molecule of sulfur is the main unit, by means of which the liver detoxifies a wide range of drugs, toxins, pesticides and others. This group includes garlic, onions, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and other Greens. Naturally, they have a beneficial effect mainly when they eat raw. Reduce nutrients and die with the heat treatment.
Will also mention some spices supporting immune function of the liver. These are cinnamon and turmeric.
Extra virgin olive oil and generally cold pressed oils (pumpkin, sesame, flax, hemp ...) have a very beneficial impact on drobcheto. Savoury generous salads, drink morning fasting 1-2 tablespoons, and can add a little lemon juice to drink miraculous Morning.
All bee products affect extremely beneficial - honey, pollen, royal jelly and propolis. Consume no worries.
Here are the enemies of the liver, and the whole organism.
* Alcohol - not enough that our liver is trying to wash away all the crap that he extended with poor food, but should devote time and energy for the processing of this shit alcohol, which completely destroys it. So he postponed much more important matters (such as to destroy another virus or to process another portion of blood saturated with various substances) to filter and neutralize the harmful effects of excess alcohol.
* White flour and white flour products - this is the main culprit for the formation of gallstones, cirrhosis contributes to disease, inhibiting to the liver as a whole
* White food - white (polished) rice, white sugar, white salt. Replace them with brown rice, brown sugar, and best with copper, potassium or better sea salt. Salt is generally better to try to remove it from our menu at all.
* Smoked, salted, pickled food and meat - flavor your food with lemon juice, real cider vinegar, onion, garlic, pepper, mustard, cloves, sage, thyme.
* Fried foods
* Fatty foods and meats
* semi
* Foods with lots of colors, sweeteners, additives, flavorings, "natural" flavors
For dandelion, no more than 7 stalks or leaves per day and is also very important to have the leaves of dandelion nepretsaftyalo ie while still with yellow colors.