Plain vegetable treat skin cancer
When it comes to skin cancer, pharmaceuticals available only chemotherapy and surgery. Chemotherapeutic creams often do not work and lead to ugly, painful side effects. The removal of tumors of the skin surgically usually leads to appearance sooner or later the tumor again. Operations often leave ugly scars. However, there are effective and safe medicines to treat skin cancers, which are prohibited by the monopoly of traditional medicine, which are not disclosed by the mainstream media.
Relatively new light, BEC5, is due to the Australian folk remedy for livestock. It is available to everyone online. Used phytonutrients extracted from eggplants. Clinical trials and amazing testimonies confirm the efficacy and safety of BEC5 cancer basal cell and squamous cell.
Melanoma is the most common but most dangerous skin cancer with the highest incidence. It can metastasize in the internal organs. Manufacturers and distributors of BEC5 not assert any claims to treat melanoma before. But a person who made a home version that anyone can do, allegedly cured his melanoma.
The home includes a light solution of vinegar and eggplant that draw the same glycoside phytonutrients and glikoalkaloidi contained in BEC5, directly from eggplant. Glikoalkaloidite penetrate selectively in cancer cells and destroy them. Normal cells are left alone.
How to make and use a home remedy of eggplant
Here attempt to discover what others have reported that cured skin cancer them. This is purely educational and not intended as medical advice.
Some reports have incredible people with skin cancer diagnosed by doctors, with subsequent curing, confirmed by doctors. Some have used white vinegar, others recommend raw organic apple cider vinegar. Take medium eggplant and grind it. Put it in a glass jar and fill it with vinegar. Place the jar in the refrigerator. After about three days of white vinegar, liquid must accept brownish gold color. This shows that it is ready for use.
Apple cider vinegar is already a similar color, but three days in the refrigerator should be sufficient.
Apply it in small spaces directly on tumors with a cotton swab or cotton soaked fix on a tumor with tape. Treatment may take several weeks or more. Both commercial BEC5 cream and home version work for warts and other unhealthy skin conditions.
One user mentioned that according to his doctor (naturopathic?) If domestic procedure is painful, it means that melanoma is under attack. Many of these users are lightweight home in Australia, where Dr. Bill Cham, PhD, found out about the plant Devil's Apple used by veterinarians and farmers to treat skin cancer livestock.
Dr. Cham claims high percentage and safe treatment for non-melanoma skin cancer from his own clinical trial. Critics say no published reports in medical journals. This may be due to the fact that Dr. Cham had himself to test the cream on patients with skin cancer in the hospital system in the United Kingdom.
The main natural medicine always attacking non-pharmaceutical medicines and their sponsors. However, a well-known physician, Dr. Jonathan Wright MD, founder of Holistic Clinic Tahoma in Seattle, Washington area, supports Dr. Cham. Dr. Wright sells BEC5 creams and explains how they work and how they are tested in the UK system.
Dr. Chum found that the same treatment glikoalkaloidi are available in eggplant. From there it continues and is a pioneer in the development of BEC5 in London.