Not accidentally, this herb is called immortelle as a wide range of therapeutic action
With immortelle herb can fight against many diseases.
As we said it does not accidentally called immortelle as a wide range of curative effect.
Immortelle has other names: Stone flower, yellow grinding, dry flower neuvyahka, Cabernet, guitar, stiraka, Latin (Gnaphalium arenarium L.), French - Immortelle, shapova herb - treated because her foot in the past, when no other drugs.
With herb immortelle against many diseases
With herb immortelle against many diseases
Beautiful herb immortelle is not easy, it is hidden in rocky limestone areas grows in clumps and is very shy.
It inhabits places with high humidity, mainly beech and oak forests at an altitude of 250 to 1400 meters. It is of plant family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).
An interesting fact about the herb is that it is similar to the phoenix of mythology.
Immortelle can survive 30 months without water and soaked even if little is beginning to develop.
This condition is called anabioza i. E. Fake death. The plant is very helpful, the ancient Romans knew about it and have it valued and sought by the Rhodope and Pirin Mountain.
Immortelle is one of the ingredients of Tibetan herbal recipe of youth, which is very strong.
Effectiveness of Immortelle is:
The herb is useful in rheumatism, jaundice, stones and sand in the gall bladder, neuralgia, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, low blood pressure, impotence, difficulty in urinating, sciatica, swelling, bleeding, gynecological and some skin diseases. It is also used as an antiparasitic.
Furthermore immortelle used for gout, high cholesterol. With his help treat nervous disorders and headaches. Immortelle infusion improves appetite.
Blood pressure before it was found that increasing acts, but now has been shown in studies in cats that decoction of the flowers decreases blood.
The essential oil from herb imortela used with curative intent from skin disease to rheumatism
Herb imortela (immortelle) is a type of evergreen shrub that has an aroma of curry. Its Latin name is Helichrysum italicum, is a source of essential oil applied with curative intent against many zabolyavanya. In contrast to the plant itself, its essential oil is flavored with copper and is useful in its properties against bacteria, viruses and fungi.
In Bulgaria grows a straw flower (Haberlea rhodopensis) family of Gesnerievi plants, which is known as the Rhodope Silivryak, Orpheus flower stiraka, shapiva herb and others. It is not easily found and can be compared with the mythical bird Phoenix. It is resistant to drought, to 30 months can survive without water and then a small amount of moisture to begin to develop and grow normally. The herb has the ability to pass in a state of seeming death (anabioza).
The essential oil from herb imortela apply burns and inflammations of various types of skin diseases such as eczema, rashes, acne, abscesses, boils, cuts, wounds, bruises, sprains heal a broken bone, muscle pain, rheumatism and others. The herb contains flavonoids, antotsianovi dyes, essential oil and others.
Butter is the most sought after because of its regenerative and soothing properties. It was prepared from the flowers of the herb imortela and is used both for local use and for the aromatic therapy.
Contraindications for immortelle
Be careful when applying herbal immortelle:
Hypertension. Immortelle is possible to raise blood pressure, so be careful limit if you suffer from hypertension.
Individual intolerance.
Lasting intake. Immortelle is toxic, so should not be taken more than three months.
Hypertrophic gastritis and acidity.
Obstructive jaundice. In this disease it is difficult to the normal flow of bile, and Immortelle has choleretic action.
Pregnancy. Pregnant women can apply preparations immortelle only after consultation with a competent medical person.