Hemp seed is one of the most accessible superfoods at home - cheap and luckily authorized for sale in its natural overall look.
Protein is important not only as a building block of cells in the body , but also as a neurotransmitter that allows the cell to receive and transmit messages and as seen is essential for the proper functioning of all organs and body systems . Hemp protein has the highest concentration of globular edestin - targets 65% - the first in the plant kingdom and edestinat is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. Body 25-30 grams of pure protein per day is enough , but if we get more and more important - whether you absorb from what we eat ? It has been found that the heat treated protein , even digestible , disposed at 50% in cooking but it is known that the animal proteins are hardly absorbed , a specified heat treatment worsens the situation even further . To compare as a 200 gram chicken steak (about 30 % protein ) = 60 g protein digestibility of about 20 %, therefore it absorbed about 10-12 grams of protein and 100 grams of raw hemp seeds containing about 35% clean fully digestible protein - daily dose has provided clean , cheap and zdravoslovana food.
Another important quality of the hemp seed is the content of all essential amino acids ( balanced set of 18 amino acids essential for growth in children , proper formation of enzymes to detoxify , strengthen immunity , flexibility and endurance ) , essential fatty acids and wide range of minerals necessary for human health. Essential fatty acids are powerful antioxidants have anti-inflammatory properties, which helps the immune system , helps burn excess fat by delivering easily accessible power, help to remove toxins , regulate hormonal balance , nourish the brain and eyes and " crush " the cardiovascular system , thereby reducing risk of heart attack. The perfect ratio of omega -6 to omega -3 is 3:1, by experts in dietary fats and oils Udo Erasmus 4:1 and recommended by the World Health Organization, in hemp seed is 3,38:1 it makes only food which contains as an ideal ratio of omega -3 and omega- 6 fatty acids. In contrast, fish oil and flaxseed is rich in omega -3 , but not of the omega -6 , and the nuts are rich in omega -6 , but not to the omega -3 . It was found that the consumption of cocoa butter with hemp seed increases the efficiency of omega -3 .
Hulled seeds can be eaten alone or in salads and unpeeled soak to reduce enzyme inhibitors , and then digested with water and filtered , the result is a wonderfully nutritious milk. As the hemp seed meal is visokorpoteinova and the proteins should not be too far , as this leads to svrahpodkiselyavane body , the recommended dosage is 50-100 g per day (depending on the protein content of the rest of the food ) and to superatleti to 150-200 grams - it comes to the amount of paddy seed, hulled if the dose is reduced .