The edible part of the fruits ( green , ripe, dry) , but in folk medicine used the leaves and flowers of the fig - for healing otvari.Hranitelnata value of fresh figs is characterized by relatively high water content , 65-80 % of energy - 70 kkal/100g, and sugar - about 15-20% (mainly glucose and fructose) . The amount of fibers was 3% ( at which the predominant water- soluble pectin , but also contains a water - insoluble cellulose) , protein - 1% , organic acid - 0.2-0.4 % minerals - potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus , sulfur, manganese , iron, copper, selenium , vitamins - C, B1 , B2, B6 , PP, beta- carotene, vitamin E. The dried with a concentrated composition .
The rich potassium content makes figs preferred fruit in people with cardiovascular disease - hypertension, congestive edema of iron and manganese - to support the treatment of anemia of magnesium - to overcome constipation ( constipation ) and improving muscle tone . Fig ranks second after the orange in calcium. A crate of dried figs provides the amount of calcium contained in a bowl with milk. The enzymes contained in the composition of fig fruits , reduces clotting of blood and decrease the risk of vascular thrombosis .
Figs are one of the fruit with the highest content of total dietary fiber ( fiber) . Water-soluble fiber ( pectins ) have sorption ( absorbing ) the ability and activate removal of feces out of the fat from the diet and cholesterol from bile . Therefore figs have hypocholesterolemic and hypolipidemic action. Soluble fiber in figs also helps to normalize blood sugar levels by slowing the absorption of food glucose. Increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin and could be advantageously included in the dietary regimens for prevention of type 2 diabetes .
Pectins bind heavy metal ions (lead, cadmium , mercury, strontium , etc.). And therefore fig are suitable for the purpose of pressure- feeding profesionolnoto .
Insoluble fiber (cellulose , hemicellulose , lignin ) in the composition of fig help maintain colonies of beneficial bacteria in the intestine are involved in the production of short chain fatty acids ( propionic , butyric ) . Play an important role in maintaining the immune system and inhibition of pathogenic bacteria in the gut , i.e. in prevention of malignant neoplasms and tumors of the colon. Small grains of figs absorb and extract assembled in the stomach and bowel gas .
The total amount of fiber fig fruit increases the volume of food consumed , increases the feeling of satiety and contribute to the control and reduction of body weight.
High content of antioxidants ( polyphenols) neutralizing harmful free radicals , reduces the risk of cardiovascular accidents , as well as the adverse effects of stress. Recently it was found that the dried figs have a high level of polyphenols ( antioxidants ) and phytosterols ( as reducing the risk of high serum cholesterol levels , respectively - of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques ) .
In the Bulgarian folk medicine were required and the leaves of the fig tree because of their fungicidal (anti ) , antibacterial and antiparasitic effect used in breathing ( dyspnea) , cough, stomach and intestinal pain with Buerger's disease ( blockage of blood vessels). External infusions are used to gargle for sore throat / toothache , imposing paws at gnoynitsi skin and burns, baths , wraps and more. Internally applied as herbal tea : 2 tablespoons of dried fig leaves are covered with 500 ml of boiling water, soak for 2 hours, and the amount drunk in equal parts before eating 4 times a day .
It is known that 2-3 fig fruits , cooked to browning with a glass of milk , helping to overcome the irritating cough and strengthen the immune system.
The fig fruit is useful for anyone who wants to gain weight .
For the purposes of the different diets is important in what combinations with other foods and beverages are accepted figs . In this respect, a man alone or aided by his trusted expert in nutrition and dietetics makes its inforomiran healthy choice - when and in what combinations to use figs to enjoy one or another of their health , diet , wellness and preventive action.