Approaching the February full moon - in 2017 it was on February 11, and with it begins the best time to purify the body. Everyone has heard from acquaintances of wheat diet Dunov. It is a ten-day diet that aims to purify the spirit, mind and body, and help us feel vital, energetic, to be healthy and we can cast only positive emotions, as the Bulgarian spiritual teacher Dunov. His teaching offers diet entirely consistent with traditional Bulgarian food.
Dunov said about wheat:
"The grain of wheat is an emblem of the human soul. It is a great history in the development of nature. If you could unleash the leaves of wheat grain can follow his story, you would fully understand the history of the human soul. As a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies as it germinates, grows and gives seed, so does the human soul. "
When to start?
February is the month to cleanse the body of toxins accumulated heavier winter food and this is the time to prepare to meet the revitalizing spring. Every year, wheat diet is done in February, immediately after the full moon (February 11, 2017).
Corn diet lasts 10 days and while respecting the need to consume plenty of water. The daily intake should be a liter and a half liter of warm boiled water.
What is consumed:
Within ten days of the evening washed 100 g wheat. Pour hot water, allow to stand in a jar or termus as the morning can drink wheat water with a little lemon and honey before breakfast. Water drink very slowly - "chewing" because it is very nutritious liquid. It is nutritious and is taken as a remedy for soothing the nervous system. Wheat may boiled for one minute, it must be tender, even slightly broken, but not overcooked.
The daily intake includes 100 grams of wheat, 3 apples (heart) nine walnut (brain) and 3 tablespoons of honey (for blood).
On the second or third day you can experience the "healing crisis" related to hunger, headaches that are associated with taking out toxins from the body. Negative effects can be overcome with the consumption of one or two cups of boiled water, honey and walnuts. If you feel unwell, stop mode or shorten the period.
This is the mode for the first 10 days and 11 days to prepare "angel soup." For her you need 1/2 l. Water, 3 potatoes, onions, leeks, parsley, a little pepper and salt. This is food for the day. A supply of fruits and vegetables.
Why corn?
Wheat is assigned an important role in evolution. According to the teacher Deunov with the onset of the corn has begun and evolution. The corn is rich in vitamins B1, B2, E, PP, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and the fiber, and antioxidants. In this mode, use whole grain whole wheat grain. Wheat grain consists of a shell, endosperm and wheat germ. White flour and white bread are not recommended, since grinding removed the shell and grain, which are concentrated most of the beneficial characteristics. It is believed that if the corn is subjected to heat treatment or ground, it loses some of its vital energy, its "prana".
By wheat diet can purify physically and spiritually after winter and to accept a full energy of the spring and will not experience the inconvenience of spring fatigue. It is caused by accumulated toxins in the body during the autumn-winter diet. Purification of the body is a part of many religions, including Christianity is part of the long Easter fasting. Corn regime is an ideal way to learn to eat with love and gratitude. Load with positive energy and resilient spirit and body.
- Any purification of the body is welcome, but you should consider some facts:
- In February immune system of modern man is weakened, and at this time there is increased risk of influenza. So before you start mode, make sure that you are healthy and strengthened. If in doubt, consult a specialist.
- The wheat you eat can be GMOs, so use only Bio wheat or varieties that have not been subjected to gene modification as spelled Dinkel, spelled, kamut and EMEP.
- The diet is not suitable for people with celiac disease (gluten intolerance).
- Water used for the scheme is of utmost importance. Recommended boiled water and let it be dining. Avoid using tap water.
- Do not overdo it with lemons (maximum 1 per day).
- Any form of honey with boiling water - you will destroy its curative properties. The most useful is when consumed directly.
- In any case, consult a specialist before starting a more drastic diets.
Sources:, and