Using inappropriate food in the late hours may affect the quality of sleep and even cause digestive disorders. It's about acid reflux.
Dinner is one of the main meals for the day. That's why a big mistake is to skip it or eat too much harmful food for dinner.
In fact, dinner should be lighter than other daily meals. First, remember that dinner plays a key role in many processes. They are energized in our body during sleep.
So the nutrients we eat with dinner have a huge role to play in our physical and mental activities the next day.
Unfortunately, many of us do not know how to choose the right foods for this meal in the evening. Therefore, the body is overloaded. C may cause the onset of various diseases.
1. Pasta
Remember, it's not about completely removing pasta from your meal. The fact is that this food is an important source of carbohydrates. So, a pasta is great for lunch. In the afternoon, it helps us stay active and energetic.
However, using pasta in the later hours can cause a feeling of stomach weight. Thus a person suffers from sleep disorders.
On the other hand, there are many calories in such foods. Exaggeration with pasta can lead to metabolic disturbances.
2. Ice cream
Do you want to eat ice cream after dinner? But it is not the best solution.
Although ice cream is delicious and satiated, it contains many saturated fats, sugars and flavors. So this can affect our weight and quality of sleep.
Ice cream, eaten in the late hours, has a negative effect on digestion. It can cause swelling and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.
In some people, ice cream also causes acid reflux.
It should be borne in mind that the level of blood sugar increases from ice cream. Of course, this has a negative footprint on our sleep.
3. Cheese
The cheeses themselves and the dishes that contain them should not be present at our dinner table. This is very important.
Although cheese can hardly be called harmful food, it causes stomach weights and difficulty falling asleep.
First, the cheese contains tyramine. This amino acid can reduce the production of hormones that regulate our sleep.
Secondly, our body has difficulty digesting the fats contained in the siren. Therefore, there is a swelling of the stomach.
And there are so many cheeses made only by harmful body fat.