Cashew nuts are extremely beneficial to your overall health
Walnuts are often considered unhealthy due to their high content of fat and calories they contain. However, increasingly appear studies that refute this assertion. Walnuts contain healthy essential oils, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber, which makes them a true super food.
The health benefits of walnuts are many. Let's discuss some of the advantages for which you might not know.
1. Improve your memory
Walnuts contain essential fatty acids omega 3 and 6. They help to improve memory and cognitive function of the brain.
2. Prevent Depression
Turning these nuts in their diet, they can help prevent states of depression. Studies have shown that low levels of omega-3 may be particularly harmful. This makes sense, as omega fatty acids are good for the brain. Walnuts contain an abundance of omega-3 that help to prevent depression.
3. Improve the quality of sperm
Trying to get pregnant? Make sure your loved eating a handful of walnuts every day as one of the benefits of nuts is to improve the vitality of sperm. They can also help prevent abnormalities in sperm.
4. Help to health and strength of hair and nails
Walnuts are an excellent source of biotin or vitamin B7, which is considered good for hair and nails and helps them grow stronger and healthier. Vitamin E, which is also contained in walnuts gives hair and nails healthy glow. Walnuts also prevent hair loss.
5. Prevention of prostate enlargement and breast cancer
Walnuts have very high levels of antioxidants. They therefore inhibit the growth of the prostate, and minimize the risk of breast cancer.
6. Improve Motor Function
Omega-3 fatty acids do wonders for the brain, including improved motor function when taken in moderation.
7. Are wonderful for the skin
Eating nuts helps skin look younger and healthier thanks to powerful antioxidants and vitamin E. You can also use a lotion with walnut oil to protect against dry skin. Who does not want a younger, firmer and more elastic skin?
8. Help prevent heart disease
Studies made in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Spain and Israel indicate that 2-3 servings a day walnuts reduce cholesterol levels sufficient to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. If you have heart disease in your family, you may consider regular consumption of walnuts.
9. Help for weight control
In addition to all these benefits until health nuts can be a great tool for weight control. They contain lots of fiber, protein and fat, which will feel City for a long time.
10. Give yourself energy
One of the immediate benefits of nuts is that they contain many vitamins that can boost your energy. This goes hand in hand with factors for weight management.